Conference Day One: Tuesday, October 8 2024

7:30 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Case Studies Spotlighting Projects Demonstrating Exemplary Quality

7:40 am Case Study: San Fernando Valley Light Rail Project- Building an Integrated Quality Approach to Ensure Quality Excellence at Every Phase of the Project

  • Ryan Hart Project Quality Manager, Stacy Witbeck
  • Ashot Sargsyan Senior Director, Quality Assurance, Compliance, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority


  • Establishing trust and transparency from the project outset to align expectations of Quality oversight beyond contractual terms
  • Taking lessons learned from implementation of the LA Metro Quality program and systems of our project partners to refine and evolve the right system for this team
  • Getting buy-in and implementation of Quality data tracking in the field to enable real-time assessment and problem solving of potential issues
  • Discussing how owner engagement has driven Quality best practice across the whole team, and continues to drive project success as we enter phase 2 of the project

8:50 am Case Study: Evaluating The Success of Phoenix Children’s Hospital in Integrating Quality at Every Stage of the Project Lifecycle to Minimize Warranty Claims & How This Has Impacted Kitchell’s Quality Program Today


  • Leveraging kick-off and progress meetings to elevate Quality as a cornerstone for project success
  • Identifying Quality-staffing requirements for the successful implementation of the program
  • Exploring resulting cost-savings and their influence on future client & stakeholder relationships
  • Analyzing why Phoenix Children’s Hospital is a benchmark for Quality Excellence

10:00 am Speed Networking & Morning Refreshments

After The Morning Break, We Will Break Into 4 Tracks For The Rest Of The Day:

Track 1
Quality Program Management

Collecting & Utilizing Data

10:40 am Establishing Robust Metrics & Systems of Measurement to Evaluate Quality Program Success


  • Identifying the right metrics to measure Quality in different market sectors
  • Establishing integrated systems of measurement to consistently and accurately record metrics
  • Improving alignment and collaboration across the industry to define standard metrics and metric tracking

11:40 am Case Study: Harnessing Data Collected to Inform System Improvements


  • Extracting trends and lessons learned from metrics collected
  • Creating dashboards to visualize trends easily
  • Working with teams to understand root cause of quality issues and determine preventative measures that can be taken
  • Transforming lessons learned into best practices for other project teams

12:40 pm Lunch Break

Improving Field Adoption

1:40 pm Integrating Quality Activities into Existing Field Workflows to Improve Quality Process Implementation

  • Rodd Weber Director - Corporate Safety & Quality, The PENTA Building Group


  • Getting field staff bought-into integrating Quality into their daily tasks
  • Integrating Quality into existing tools, such as jobsite reports, to reduce the perception of additional work
  • Creating robust support systems to hold staff accountable to ensure effective implementation

2:40 pm Clearly Defining Responsibilities Across Quality & Operations Teams to Improve Cross-Functional Productivity

  • Erik Olson Director of Quality & Commissioning, Faith Technologies Inc.


  • Creating systems to support the implementation of Quality without dedicated personnel on project teams
  • Scaling up resourcing as projects scale: When should you have more dedicated personnel?
  • Working with operational leadership to set clear expectations and ownership over Quality related tasks
  • Culturally integrating Quality as a support function, as opposed to a ‘policing’ function

4:10 pm Afternoon Refreshments

Enhancing Trade & GC Relationships

4:40 pm Panel: Establishing Support & Alignment of Trade & GC Quality Programs

  • Damian Rios Divisional Quality Manager, Saulsbury
  • Dana Vincent Assistant Director of Quality, Yates Construction
  • Jason Jansen Director - Field Operations, MCL Construction
  • Kyle Kammer Director - Quality, Concrete Strategies Inc.


  • Evaluating the main frustrations and fracture points when aligning programs across general and trade contractors
  • Improving bi-directional trust and communication
  • Working with trades to understand how you can best support their teams to develop a more robust, integrated program
  • Exploring the benefits of integrating accountability clauses into contracts to avoid ambiguity in expectations

Track 2
Quality Assurance Best Practice

Promoting Early Action

10:40 am Clarifying the Role of Each Stakeholder Upfront in Ensuring Quality Implementation to Prevent Scope Ambiguity


  • Fostering a collegiate atmosphere between owners, designers, contractors and consultants
  • Aligning expectations with clients to ensure appropriate time is carved out for Quality within schedules
  • Exploring best practices for avoiding scope gaps during project set-up

11:40 am Sharing Best Practices for Running Efficient Design Reviews


  • Distinguishing the key differences between design and constructability reviews, both in terms of purpose and how they can be run
  • Exploring best practices for managing and running a successful design review: What is the role of the process owner, and how can you effectively lead the team through the necessary components to optimize outcomes?
  • Walking through the step by step process of conducting an effective design review to understand where you can improve with your own teams

12:40 pm Lunch Break

Optimizing Design Documents

1:40 pm Developing Effective Constructability Reviews to Reduce Rework & Ensure Cost & Schedule Certainty

  • Dan O’Hara Senior Manager - Quality Compliance, OrganoGenesis. Inc
  • Michael Thole Director, Corporate Quality, Flintco, LLC


  • Getting buy-in for the completion of constructability reviews on your project
  • Implementing benchmarks for assessing the Quality and constructability of designs
  • Discussing best practices for running effective constructability reviews: What are the elements that commonly get missed?
  • Harnessing technology beyond clash detection to ensure different design components function together
  • Continuing constructability reviews on addendums and bulletins as drawings are re-issued

2:40 pm Panel: Improving the Quality of Design Documentation to Prevent Contractor Misalignment Regarding Project Cost or Scope


  • Defining the characteristics of world-class design documentation
  • Tailoring specifications to the scope of work rather than ‘copy and pasting’ of previous projects
  • Understanding how you can ensure continuous improvement in specifications and design documentation to keep up with industry advancements

4:10 pm Afternoon Refreshments

Assessing Quality During Prequalification

4:40 pm Developing a Robust System of Prequalification for Suppliers & Manufacturers to Ensure Quality & Compliance of Deliverables

  • Joe Dillingham Director - Quality & Commissioning, Stream Data Centers


  • Defining criteria for value-based procurement over lowest-cost
  • Building systems to verify supplier’s Quality programs and compliance to regional standards ahead of procurement of product
  • Exploring the role of factory witness tests to evaluate the strength of supplier Quality programs
  • Strengthening relationships with suppliers to ensure they provide high Quality customer service and mitigate issues on projects

Track 3
Quality Control Best Practice

From Critical Incidence to Best Practice

10:40 am Panel: Driving Accountability for Capturing Incidences of Rework to Inform Prevention in Future Projects


  • Overcoming resistance to documenting issues: How can you convince field personnel of the value add? How can you ease concerns of increased client visibility?
  • Improving the ease of recording incidences of rework to increase the adoption of this process
  • Maintaining long-term focus and accountability for documenting rework

11:40 am Conducting Effective Post-Project Reviews to Ensure Learnings Are Taken Forward & Improvements Are Realized


  • Understanding the most valuable questions to ask project teams to draw out lessons learned
  • Ensuring the fundamental learning is captured and shared in a way that it can be adopted by other teams
  • Holding teams accountable to implementing takeaways into future projects

12:40 pm Lunch Break

Transforming Inspections

1:40 pm Audience Discussion: Bolstering Tools & Training Resources to Enhance Effectiveness of Inspections


  • Simplifying inspection templates for easier navigation and adoption by operations teams
  • Discovering the role of advanced technologies for enhancing inspections
  • Elevating the training being delivered to field teams on how to conduct an effective inspection

2:40 pm Benchmarking World-Class Inspection & Testing Plan (ITP) Templates to Ensure All Project, Material & Regulatory Requirements Are Accounted For

  • Eric Warner Quality Director, Southern Pacific Region, McCarthy Building Companies Inc
  • Tina Malcolmson Quality Director, Southwest Region, McCarthy Building Companies Inc


  • Ensuring all regulatory and contract requirements, as well as client preferences, are well understood to feed into your ITP
  • Creating a robust plan that incorporates client inspection requirements into preexisting internal inspection workflows, without increasing the burden on project teams and trade partners
  • Integrating lessons learned into future ITPs to further enhance their effectiveness

4:10 pm Afternoon Refreshments

Upgrading Checklists

4:40 pm Building Easy-To-Use Checklists to Ensure All Scopes Are Effectively Accounted for


  • Collaborating with teams to identify common challenges with implementing checklists and improving templates accordingly
  • Helping teams create specific checklists for complex, unique project requirements, as well as routine jobs
  • Harnessing technology to automate certain aspects of checklists and ease completion in the field

Track 4
Project Quality Lessons Learned

Building Envelopes

10:40 am Understanding Water Intrusion Risk Factors in Different Climates: What are the Best Mitigation Strategies?

  • Mike Cook Director of Quality Management, Nabholz Corp


  • Examining common failures at each transition point in the envelope during design evaluation: What are the mitigation strategies being most successfully employed for each?
  • Identifying the most effective barrier products that can be used in different climate zones
  • Ensuring robust coordination of all building envelope trades to adhere to installation instructions and minimize scope gaps

11:40 am Ensuring Envelope Materials & Air Barriers Work Seamlessly Together to Maximize Building Energy Efficiency

  • Brian Stroik Performance Excellence and Quality Consultant, American Contractors Insurance Group


  • Assessing common challenges with building wraps and connections that result in envelope gaps
  • Judging the optimal permeability for an air barrier depending on the project’s needs
  • Establishing clear timelines for when it is safe to add flashings and other additional elements post air barrier installation

12:40 pm Lunch Break

Industrial Products & Systems

1:40 pm Discovering Best Practices for Concrete Quality Review to Ensure Confidence in Structural Integrity

  • Kyle Kammer Director - Quality, Concrete Strategies Inc.


  • Selecting the right type of concrete and additives for specific project types and geos
  • Ensuring effective waterproofing, site drainage and joint and crack sealing strategies to prevent mould and structural deterioration
  • Harnessing field technologies to continuously monitor and test of concrete levelling and overall health
  • Educating field teams to stay informed on the latest material advancements and how to adapt quality testing accordingly

2:40 pm Benchmarking Best Practices for Testing of Industrial Piping Systems to Enhance Accuracy & Safety of Facility


  • Evaluating the testing parameters for mechanical piping depending on different mediums
  • Communicating safety protocols effectively to field teams to ensure adherence
  • Examining the tools available for heavy industrial pipe testing and how these can be best used

4:10 pm Afternoon Refreshments

Working With Utilities

4:40 pm Understanding Existing Utility Systems & Connections to Streamline Integration of System Upgrades


  • Reviewing documented issues with existing utilities to inform upgrades ahead of new system integration
  • Understanding and managing common Quality issues when connecting to existing utilities

5:40 pm End of Conference Day One